ABSOLUTELY KOSHER                       1412 10th Street
*****************                       Berkeley
                                        CA 94710-1512

                                2011    1501 Powell St.
                                        Emeryville , CA 94608


Start  : 1998
Owner  : Cory Brown
Distr. : US - Fontana distr./RED/
         UK - Shellshock        (UK)
              Rough Trade
Style  : indie / avantgarde / lo-fi / math / lounge / shoegazer / alternative /
         contemporary folk /

After gestating for a year or so in the mind of Cory Brown, Absolutely Kosher Records
was officially launched in early 1998 with the release of P.E.E.'s The Roaring
Mechanism. We set out to release great records with an eye towards diversity on the
roster inspired by some of our favorite labels (notably Matador, Merge, and Simple
Machines), while at the same time, trying to maintain the label-next-door feel of the
amazing Shrimper Records (though plenty of other labels provided different forms of
inspiration). The label started in a corner of the living room in San Francisco, moved
into a garage in Berkeley and now resides in an office in Emeryville, a small city just
over the Bay Bridge from San Francisco that is also home to CG Animation titans Pixar,
a host of great food trucks and Rudy's Can't Fail Cafe, the diner owned by Mike Dirnt
of Green Day. Our humble offices are under the Powell Street overpass, along Horton
[From : http://www.absolutelykosher.com/about] dec.26, 2013

AK      001     P.E.E.                  THE ROARING MECHANISM           CD      03.1998

        1       I Can't Wait 'til I Get Rickets                 2:35
        2       Erik Owns a Home                                2:27
        3       The Rewards of Gourmet Dining                   3:02
        4       Charm Offensive                                 4:35
        5       The Misguided Self-Punishers                    2:39
        6       Yell If I Miss Mortiis                          4:21
        7       Track Sixty-Six                                 2:27
        8       Ely Anchors                                     2:36
        9       Carmen's Theme                                  2:57
        10      Ed Is Fifty                                     4:13
AK      002     VIRGINIA DARE           BABY GOT AWAY                   CD      11.1998

        1       Secret Spy Plane                                2:02
        2       Dumb as a Doll                                  3:11
        3       Camellia                                        2:58
        4       Baby Got Away                                   3:30
        5       Love Is Real                                    4:06
        6       Revolt of Mother                                3:05
        7       Ship Go Down                                    2:16
        8       Fred's Trees                                    1:55
        9       Anywhere Buy Here                               1:38
        10      Johnny Depp                                     3:33
        11      You Kill Me                                     3:09
        12      Joanie                                          2:20
        13      Beautiful Flame                                 2:30
AK      003     THINGY                  To The Innocent                 CD      12.1999

        1       Mayday                                          2:45
        2       Jabberwocky                                     0:57
        3       Big Dumb Animal                                 3:19
        4       S.S. Eggshell                                   1:42
        5       Blueprint                                       2:03
        6       Hide and Seek                                   0:46
        7       Sunset                                          0:54
        8       Plenty                                          2:33
        9       Rope Swing                                      1:25
        10      Ketchup Sandwich                                3:00
        11      O.B.1.                                          1:31
        12      Letterbomb                                      1:18
        13      0+0                                             1:00
        14      Ballpoint Pen                                   3:04
        15      Molly                                           1:50
        16      Chico vs. Fifa 96"                              1:04
        17      My Room Has a T.V.                              1:18
        18      Hydroplane                                      1:05
        19      The Long Song at the End of the Record          4:31
AK      004     TELEGRAPH MELTS         ILIUM                           CD        .1999

        1       Septembrist                                     6:10
        2       Indigo Azure Cyan                               4:41
        3       Every Day a Sunrise, A Summer Every Year        7:48
        4       Cantus for Theodore N.                          4:37
        5       In Eggshell Seas                                7:06
        6       Canto Primo                                     4:31
AK      005     FRANKLIN BRUNO          KISS WITHOUT MAKEUP             CD      04.2000

        1       A Radial                                        0:59
        2       Just Because It's Dying                         3:55
        3       Nurse                                           1:34
        4       Beautiful Right Now                             3:49
        5       Thin, Weak Smile                                4:00
        6       Clean Needle                                    4:46
        7       Charlottesville                                 3:51
        8       Nickname Stuck                                  3:12
        9       Shapeless Things                                2:17
        10      Save a Piece for Me                             4:13
        11      Idiots                                          5:05
        12      Narrow Shoulders                                2:42
        13      Dia Lara                                        4:18
        14      [untitled]                                      2:30
AK      006
AK      007
AK      008     JIM YOSHII PILE UP      Its Winter Here                 LP      06.2001

        1       Jetzt Mit Iodine
        2       Shark Repellent
        3       Breakdown Championship
        4       Peter Von Pinnon Final Draft
        5       This Is the Last Day
        6       Hello
        7       Before I Left, After I Got Back
        8       Monotonologue
AK      009     THE WRENS               The Meadowlands                 CD        .2000
AK      009 A   THE WRENS               The Meadowlands                 CD        .2000
                (Note : CD , numbered ed.)

        1       The House That Guilt Built                      1:22
        2       Happy                                           5:33
        3       She Sends Kisses                                5:57
        4       This Boy Is Exhausted                           4:17
        5       Hopeless                                        5:09
        6       Faster Gun                                      3:50
        7       Thirteen Grand                                  4:09
        8       Boys, You Won't                                 4:29
        9       Ex-Girl Collection                              4:39
        10      Per Second Second                               3:38
        11      Everyone Choose Sides                           4:40
        12      13 Months in 6 Minutes                          6:50
        13      This Is Not What You Had Planned                1:37

        1       Oar                                             4:23
        2       Geppetto                                        3:21
        3       I'm Bad at Sports                               2:15
        4       Waves                                           2:10
        5       Poodleman                                       2:22
        6       Donut                                           2:14
        7       Nonpartisan                                     1:56
        8       Held                                            4:04
        9       The Last Ride of the Pony Express               1:01
        10      Ether                                           1:41
        11      Figaro                                          3:36
        12      Guitar Song                                     3:20
        13      The Outer Space                                 4:20
        14      Rake                                            3:17
        15      Song for America                                33:57
AK      011     PLACES                  Autopilot Knows You Best        CD      10.2000

        1       Own Your Own Home                               3:47
        2       Lazy Days & Castaways                           6:19
        3       Projectionist, The                              3:40
        4       Mission Impossible                              4:11
        5       Mouth To Mouth                                  3:34
        6       Will Try                                        4:12
        7       No Mystery                                      4:05
        8       Ships At Sea                                    4:41
        9       Ode To The Exhausted                            5:44
        10      Love Song For A Comet                           6:48
        11      Late Night                                      5:18
AK      012 1   THE MOUNTAIN GOATS      Corroners Gambit                LP      10.2000
AK      012     THE MOUNTAIN GOATS      Corroners Gambit                CD      10.2000

        1       Jaipur                                          3:13
        2       Elijah                                          3:07
        3       Trick Mirror                                    2:39
        4       Island Garden Song                              2:27
        5       The Coroner's Gambit                            2:55
        6       Baboon                                          2:16
        7       Scotch Grove                                    1:37
        8       Horseradish Road                                2:28
        9       Family Happiness                                2:57
        10      Onions                                          2:15
        11      "Bluejays And Cardinals"                        3:03
        12      Shadow Song                                     2:45
        13      There Will Be No Divorce                        2:51
        14      Insurance Fraud #2                              3:02
        15      The Alphonse Mambo                              2:44
        16      We Were Patriots                                2:40
AK      013     SWORDS PROJECT          SWORDS PROJECT EP               CDEP    06.2001

        1       Shannon's Wedding Song                          9:35
        2       The New Assassin                                5:01
        3       Squatting Level                                 6:35
        4       Case Study in Pathetics                         5:38
AK      014     ELTRO                   INFORMATION CHANGER             CD        .2002

        1       Storm Cloud Of The Century                      7:41
        2       Grand Canyon                                    6:47
        3       Elements Of Style                               7:07
        4       To The Side                                     3:27
        5       Orangina                                        7:47
        6       Long.Flat.Red                                   4:45
        7       I Begin To Believe                              13:59
AK      015     ELTRO                   VELODROME                       CD        .2001

        1       Some Vital Function                             4:29
        2       Say It                                          3:46
        3       Come to Me in Silence                           4:09
        4       Three Gorges, Damn                              3:50
        5       Vera Wang                                       3:56
        6       Center                                          3:23
        7       Ether                                           5:40
        8       Niagra                                          4:13
        9       Escaping Flatland                               4:57
        10      Before                                          3:35
        11      Denver International                            4:58
AK      016     THE COURT & SPARK       BLESS YOU                       LP.CD   10.2001

        1       To See the Fires                                4:08
        2       Rooster Mountain                                4:46
        3       National Lights                                 6:00
        4       The Lone Palm                                   1:18
        5       Fireworks                                       4:41
        6       A.M. Radio                                      4:46
        7       Marlborough Sound                               2:34
        8       Pearly Gates                                    4:45
        9       Fade Out to Little Arrow                        7:43
        10      In a Sugarpine Bed                              2:23
AK      017     THE EXTRA LENS          MARTIAL ARTS WEEKEND            CD        .2001

        1       Baltimore                                       2:46
        2       All Rooms Cable A/C Free Coffee                 1:48
        3       Ultra Violet                                    2:48
        4       Twelve Hands High                               2:47
        5       The River Song                                  3:26
        6       Somebody Else's Parking Lot in Sebastopol       2:18
        7       Memories                                        4:00
        8       Going to Morocco                                2:11
        9       Going to Michigan                               2:29
        10      Terminal Grain                                  1:58
        11      Malevolent Seascape Y                           3:44
        12      Going to Marrakesh                              2:48
AK      018     XIU XIU                 KNIFE PLAY                      LP        .2003

        A1      Don Diasco                                      2:51
        A2      I Broke Up (SJ)                                 2:14
        A3      Luber                                           4:00
        A4      Hives Hives                                     3:33
        A5      Dr. Troll                                       3:51
        A6      Over Over                                       3:58
        B1      Anne Dong                                       4:49
        B2      Suha                                            4:49
        B3      Poe Poe                                         3:36
        B4      Homonculus                                      3:15
        B5      Tonite and Today (What Chu' Talkin' 'Bout)      5:21
AK      019     FRANKLIN BRUNO          Cat May Look A Queen            CD      10.2002

        1       Dashboard Issues                                5:12
        2       Lies on Your Lips                               3:56
        3       Janet Shaw                                      5:46
        4       I Blame You                                     3:50
        5       Tired of the West                               4:39
        6       Threadbare                                      4:15
        7       A Cat May Look at a Queen                       3:33
        8       Bulk Removal Truck                              6:05
        9       Callous                                         4:43
        10      Dossier                                         5:34
        11      Love's Got a Ghetto                             3:38
        12      Two Purple Shadows                              3:27
        13      Blue's the Only Colour                          3:40
AK      020     PINBACK                 Some Voices                     CDEP    03.2003

        1       Some Voices                                     3:16
        2       Trainer                                         2:43
        3       Manchuria                                       2:41
        4       June                                            7:17
AK      021     JACK HAYTER             Practical Wireless              CD      09.2002

        1       Blind Man's Fog                                 4:38
        2       Misfortune's Big Statue                         2:49
        3       Au Lion D'or                                    3:47
        4       Bilderberg                                      4:16
        5       Walking                                         3:08
        6       Another Girl Another Planet                     4:38
        7       Mary Honey                                      4:03
        8       The Seduction of Nancy                          4:09
        9       A Boxer's Dead Wife                             3:27
        10      No Spondulicks                                  5:39
        11      Smoking a Consulate                             4:55
        12      Narrow Skies                                    4:49
AK      022     THE JIM YOSHII PILE-UP : HOMEMADE DRUGS                 CD        .2002

        1       In Focus                                        4:38
        2       Distance                                        4:35
        3       Middle Harbor Road                              4:21
        4       Reckless Driving                                4:09
        5       Haunted Rooms                                   7:28
        6       A Deep Deep Lake                                4:13
        7       Double Negative                                 3:53
        8       3+1                                             7:36
        9       Lines Drawn                                     3:59
AK      023     XIU XIU                 Chapel Of The Chimes            CD      03.2003

        1       I Am the Center of Your World                   3:00
        2       Jennifer Lopez (The Sweet Science version)      2:38
        3       Ten-Thousand-Times-A-Minute                     3:29
        4       King Earth, King Earth                          4:40
        5       Ceremony                                        4:28

        1       Home for the Holidays                           4:35
        2       The Essence of Time                             4:18
        3       The Drive                                       4:09
        4       Go to Sleep                                     3:40
        5       Thief                                           2:45
        6       My Neighbors Having a Seizure                   6:15
        7       I Need a Vacation                               5:05
        8       Driving Through Texas                           4:08
        9       I Dont Even Miss You (Say You Will Be Home)     5:07
AK      025     PINBACK                 OFFCELL                         CD        .2003

        1       Microtonic Wave                                 4:57
        2       Victorius D                                     4:16
        3       Offcell                                         4:31
        4       B                                               4:50
        5       Grey Machine                                    11:07
AK      026     ELTRO                   PAST AND PRESENT FUTURISTS      CD        .2003

        1       Motorboat                                       5:40
        2       Love is on the Right                            3:10
        3       Fram                                            5:07
        4       On One                                          3:28
        5       Lady of the Highway                             6:38
        6       Environs                                        2:48
        7       How Did it Happen So Slowly                     4:20
        8       Zooming                                         6:01
        9       Maybe You Can Live on the Moon                  5:58
AK      027     TWO GUYS                RECORDED                        CD      03.2003

        1       Recovery                                        4:08
        2       Empty                                           1:57
        3       Someone Stole My Fucking CDs                    4:36
        4       Beach House Hangover                            4:50
        5       Fantasies                                       3:02
        6       Animal Trainers                                 2:00
        7       Victoria                                        4:23
        8       TV                                              2:33
        9       Hypocrite                                       2:34
        10      Ode to Masturbation                             2:13
        11      Record Store Girl                               2:00
        12      Another Chance to Fuck Up                       6:16
AK      028     BOTTOM OF THE HUDSON    THE OMAHA RECORD                CD      04.2003

        1       Motorcade                                       3:29
        2       Eagle Eye                                       4:39
        3       Crazy 8                                         1:36
        4       Chilling Sorcerer                               3:49
        5       Soldier                                         3:20
        6       Into the Sun                                    2:34
        7       Pockets                                         3:14
        8       Omaha Ray                                       3:08
        9       Red Election                                    3:26
        10      Shoop                                           4:37
        11      Chances R                                       3:19
        12      Tokyo                                           4:08
        13      Hands On                                        3:57
AK      029     ROB CROW                My Room Is A Mess               CD      11.2003

        1       Never Alone                                     0:34
        2       Beyond Him                                      2:20
        3       Jedi Outcast                                    2:03
        4       Last Bus From the Che                           1:41
        5       Sun Froze                                       1:39
        6       Iocane                                          2:26
        7       Torrential                                      1:06
        8       Helicopter                                      1:30
        9       Kill All the Humans                             1:26
        10      Over the Summer                                 3:39
        11      Wants/Needs                                     1:03
        12      Some Things                                     2:28
        13      When You Lie                                    2:30
        14      Finger                                          1:20
        15      Overtime                                        2:50
        16      Curtains on Fire                                0:45
        17      Catching the Trap                               1:57
        18      A Subtle Kiss                                   3:24
AK      030
AK      031
AK      032     JUKEBOXER               PARENTHENIAL EP                 CDEP      .2004
AK      033     DEAD SCIENCE            Submariner                      CD      10.2003

        1       Unseeing Eye                                    7:04
        2       White Cane                                      3:40
        3       White Train                                     4:17
        4       The Ghost Integrity                             4:43
        5       Below                                           4:53
        6       Batty                                           4:17
        7       Girl With the Unseen Hand                       4:48
        8       Threnody                                        3:45
        9       Tension at Pitch                                7:26
        10      Envelope                                        2:20
AK      034 1   GOBLIN COCK             Bagged And Boarded              LP      10.2005
AK      034     GOBLIN COCK             Bagged And Boarded              CD      10.2005

        1       Hissy Intro                                     0:46
        2       Stumped                                         2:36
        3       Childproof                                      4:17
        4       Striped Tiger Snaps                             3:27
        5       Kegrah the Dragon Killer                        2:41
        6       Talking to Chaka                                2:17
        7       The Green Machine                               2:29
        8       The Werewomb                                    1:48
        9       The Crusher                                     3:20
        10      Ichiro's Dilemma                                2:59
        11      The Revenge of Snufalufagus                     2:25
        12      Winkey Dinky Donkey                             2:35
        13      Goblin Cock Theme                               1:07
        14      Black Black                                     4:43
AK      035     FROG EYES               Ego Scriptor                    CD        .2004

        1       A Latex Ice Age                                         2:02
        2       Ship Destroyer                                          1:10
        3       Silence But for the Gentle Tinkling of the Flowing Creek2:11
        4       Masticated Outboard Motors                              2:19
        5       Bells in the Crooked Port                               2:44
        6       I Like Dot Dot Dot                                      1:16
        7       The Akhian Press                                        2:21
        8       Our Lordship Has Devised a New Billing System           2:44
        9       One in Six Children Will Flee in Boats                  2:15
        10      Sound Travels From the Snow to the Dark                 2:58
        11      The Fox Speaks to His Wife Who Is Not Quite Sure        2:22
AK      036
AK      037     THE HIDDEN CAMERAS      The Arms Of His Ill             CD        .2004

        1       Music Is My Boyfriend                           3:56
        2       Bboy                                            2:54
        3       In the Union of Wine                            5:11
        4       Doot Doot Plot                                  2:37
        5       Fear Is On                                      2:54
        6       Builds the Bone                                 3:54
        7       Mississauga Goddam                              5:36
        8       I Burn My Seed                                  3:58
AK      038     THE COURT & SPARK       DEAD DIAMOND RIVER              CDEP    06.2004

        1       Invercargill                                    2:26
        2       Lucia                                           2:49
        3       Bar the Door, Davy                              3:44
        4       First Light at Avalon                           3:21
        5       Hallelujah II                                   3:54
AK      039     OKAY                    LOW ROAD                        CD        .2005

        1       Bloody                                          1:45
        2       Now                                             4:26
        3       Holy War                                        3:03
        4       We                                              4:01
        5       Devil                                           1:56
        6       Replace                                         3:30
        7       Oh                                              5:23
        8       Game                                            3:45
        9       Roman                                           4:04
        10      Hoot                                            3:24
        11      Bullseye                                        8:44
AK      040     THE COURT & SPARK       WITCH SEASON                    CD      08.2004

        1       Suffolk Down Upon the Night                     5:23
        2       Out on the Water                                3:45
        3       Denver Annie                                    3:17
        4       Steeplechasing                                  5:03
        5       Sundowner, You                                  3:25
        6       St. John the Evangelist                         2:22
        7       Witch Season                                    2:50
        8       The Wandering Tattler                           1:16
        9       With the Horseshoe King                         5:03
        10      Hallelujah I                                    3:24
        11      Swimming Endlessly                              2:27
        12      Titov Sang the Blues                            3:49
AK      041     PIDGEON                 FROM CUTTER W/LOVE              CD      07.2004

        1       The Second One                                  3:25
        2       Strelnikev                                      3:34
        3       Six Minutes in the Sun                          2:00
        4       Powerful                                        5:52
        5       Down                                            3:04
        6       Disco                                           4:18
        7       Fallout                                         2:31
        8       Ain't Nothing Can't                             3:18
        9       Fiona                                           3:58
        10      Sty                                             2:34
        11      Nationalism Moves West                          3:26
        12      Backwards Hell                                  1:29
        13      Me to Play                                      6:33
        14      War Pickle                                      2:08
        15      Last Supper                                     2:49
        16      Goner                                           4:31
AK      042     JUKEBOXER               IN TE FOOD CHAIN               CD        .2004

        1       Pilgrim                                         6:35
        2       Missing Link                                    3:08
        3       Chance Openings                                 3:24
        4       Banj                                            2:29
        5       Thursday                                        3:25
        6       Terrestrial                                     3:07
        7       Opportunist                                     4:05
        8       My Eyes Are Only                                2:30
        9       Dooey                                           0:58
        10      Russian Doll                                    2:07
        11      House Burning Down                              7:02
AK      043     FROG EYES               The Folden Palm                 CD        .2004

        1       The Fence Feels Its Post                        1:39
        2       The Akhian Press                                1:42
        3       I Like Dot Dot Dot                              1:10
        4       Bells in the Crooked Port                       2:27
        5       New Soft Motherhood Alliance                    3:01
        6       Ship Destroyer                                  1:19
        7       The Heart That Felt Its Light                   3:10
        8       The Oscillator's Hum                            2:28
        9       Important Signals Will Break the Darkness
                (This I Hope)                                   2:03
        10      New Tappy Is Heard and Beheld                   3:22
        11      Ice on the Trail                                5:42
        12      A Library Used to Be (Black Hole and Its
                Concentrated Edges)                             2:19
        13      Russian Berries But You're Quiet Tonight        3:53
AK      044     THE DEAD SCIENCE        BIRD BONES IN THE BUGHOUSE      CDEP      .2004

        1       Ossuary                                         4:46
        2       Gamma Knife                                     4:51
        3       Film Strip Collage                              5:28
        4       Cuz She's Me                                    5:23
        5       Sign Your Name                                  6:04
AK      045     OKAY                    HIGH ROAD                       CD      03.2005

        1       Up                                              2:54
        2       Good                                            3:18
        3       Have                                            2:32
        4       Compass                                         4:19
        5       Hungry                                          3:38
        6       Sing-Along                                      4:27
        7       Mind                                            3:00
        8       Fight                                           3:06
        9       Give Up                                         3:23
        10      Rescue                                          3:06
        11      Mindless                                        4:29
AK      046     THE JIM YOSHII PILE-UP  : Picks Us Apart                CD        .2005

        1       A Toast to the Happy Couple                     5:03
        2       Jailhouse Rock                                  5:48
        3       Heart My Home                                   3:54
        4       Black & Gold                                    3:36
        5       Low Rent Horror                                 3:16
        6       Silver Sparkler                                 3:26
        7       Mind of God                                     5:16
        8       Hall Clock                                      3:03
        9       R.E.V.U.L.S.I.O.N.                              3:21
        10      Beach Glass                                     3:12
        11      Thanksgiving Day                                3:59
AK      047
AK      048     THE DUDLEY CORPORATION : In Love With                   CD      05.2005

        1       Colossus                                        2:40
        2       What a Human Does                               2:17
        3       New Song for You                                2:24
        4       Painting Futures Red                            2:37
        5       A.M.                                            1:24
        6       To Angels and Dead Friends                      2:51
        7       Glance                                          2:34
        8       (h)Our Islands                                  2:54
        9       Blessed Are the Strong                          1:33
        10      Maybe I...                                      2:39
        11      The Auld Fairy                                  4:28
        12      Count Me In                                     3:18
        13      A Minor Thing                                   2:53
        14      When You Wake Up                                5:49
AK      049     MOGGS                   THE WHITE BELT IS NOT ENOUGH    CD        .2005

        1       Intro to Hollywood
        2       Lynbrook
        3       Disco
        4       All About the Feeling
        5       Take Take Take
        6       Aisles
        7       Interglacial Marriages
        8       Cubby Bear
        9       Doggers and Joggers
        10      C - C - C
        11      Fathom
AK      050     THE DEAD SCIENCE        Frost Giant                     CD        .2005

        1       Last Return                                     2:48
        2       In the Hospital                                 3:45
        3       Drrrty Magneto                                  4:06
        4       Sam Mickens' Dream                              4:13
        5       The Future, Forever (Until U Die)               3:52
        6       Blood Tuning                                    5:10
        7       Black Stockings                                 4:20
        8       Lil Half Dead                                   6:12
        9       Lead to Gold in the Hour of Chaos               3:03
AK      051     SPARROW                 The Early Years                 CD      05.2005

        1       Flower                                          3:58
        2       This Is How It's Done                           2:07
        3       The Early Years                                 3:42
        4       Late Last Night                                 4:00
        5       So Far From Me                                  3:11
        6       I Wouldn't Mind                                 4:39
        7       All Two By Two                                  3:42
        8       Gone                                            2:21
        9       I'm Just Not There                              3:57
AK      052     GET HIM EAT HIM         GEOGRAPHY CONES                 CD      07.2005

        1       The Celebration                                 1:59
        2       One Word                                        3:12
        3       Pardon My French                                2:29
        4       Not Not Nervous                                 3:25
        5       Mumble Mumble                                   2:25
        6       Separate States                                 5:00
        7       (interlude)                                     1:56
        8       Shirt Like a Couch                              2:38
        9       Bad Thoughts                                    2:14
        10      Posture                                         3:36
        11      Metal Splinters                                 3:08
        12      Early Scarlet Globes                            3:58
AK      053     FROG EYES               Tears Of The Valedictorian      LP.CD   04.2007

        1       Idle Songs                                      2:24
        2       Caravan Breakers, They Prey on the Weak and the
                Old                                             7:35
        3       "Stockades"                                     3:27
        4       Reform the Countryside                          5:24
        5       The Policy Merchant, the Silver Bay             2:31
        6       Evil Energy, the Ill Twin of...                 2:42
        7       ...Eagle Energy                                 1:52
        8       Bushels                                         9:13
        9       My Boats They Go                                1:02
AK      054     BOTTOM OF THE HUDSON    Holiday Machine                 CD      08.2005

        1       Holiday Machine                                 3:28
        2       Riot Act                                        4:30
        3       One of Us                                       3:13
        4       Conjecture Means                                3:13
        5       Candyman                                        3:21
        6       Is it a Crime?                                  2:38
AK      055     EX-BOYFRIENDS           Dear John                       CD        .2006

        1       Him for Me
        2       Relationship
        3       Willingly
        4       Meghan
        5       Well, William
        6       Stop, Drop, Rock 'n' Roll
        7       P.S.
        8       It's Not Me, It's You
        9       Ollie
        10      Elements of Withdrawal
        11      I'm
AK      056     THE DUDLEY CORPORATION  YEAR OF THE HUSBAND             CD      06.2008

        1       The Lens Begin                                  2:43
        2       We Angled Our Shadows and Cast Them in Stone    4:04
        3       Fool                                            3:40
        4       Step-Out                                        5:03
        5       Last Day on Earth                               2:59
        6       Holy Wars                                       2:08
        7       Leave a Last Kiss                               5:08
        8       Vapour Trails                                   2:28
        9       Aliens...                                       2:10
        10      Don't Give Up, Stupid                           6:22
AK      057     THE COURT AND SPARK     Hearts                          CD        .2006

        1       Let's Get High                                  4:37
        2       We Were All Uptown Rulers                       4:34
        3       Birmingham To Blackhorse Road We Wandered       3:41
        4       The Oyster Is A Wealthy Beast                   3:12
        5       Capaldi                                         5:59
        6       A Milk White Flag                               2:04
        7       Berliners                                       4:34
        8       Smoke Signals                                   2:55
        9       Your Mother Was The Lightning                   3:27
        10      High Life                                       4:57
        11      Gatesnakes                                      1:56
        12      The Ballad Of Horselover Fat                    5:10
AK      058     XIU XIU                 A PROMISE                       LP        .2004

        A1      Sad Pony Guerrilla Girl
        A2      Apistat Commander
        A3      Walnut House
        A4      20,000 Deaths for Eidelyn Gonzales, 20,000 Deaths for
                Jamie Peterson
        A5      Pink City
        B1      Sad Redux-O-Grapher
        B2      Blacks
        B3      Brooklyn Dodgers
        B4      Fast Car
        B5      Ian Curtis Wishlist
AK      059     PIDGEON : MIGHT AS WELL GO EAT WORMS                    CD      09.2008

        1       Worms                                           4:56
        2       California (Is for Fuckers)                     3:37
        3       Kafka Does His Shopping From Home               3:14
        4       The Gimmick Monster                             4:12
        5       Spike Love Julia 4 EVA                          4:50
        6       Valentine's Day Massacre                        2:24
        7       The Mania in Lithuania                          2:13
        8       Could Be the Last Time                          4:14
        9       Orcish Pleasure / Armageddon Is a Love Song     5:06
        10      Young and Shallow / Nightmares With Happy
                Endings                                         6:06
        11      Helpless                                        7:05
        12      Hail to the Coke Nose                           4:55
AK      060     SUNSET RUBDOWN          SHUT UP I AM DREAMING           CD      06.2006

        1       Stadiums and Shrines II                         3:57
        2       They Took a Vote and Said No                    3:43
        3       Us Ones in Between                              4:26
        4       I'm Sorry I Sang on Your Hands That Have Been
                in the Grave                                    5:32
        5       Snakes Got a Leg III                            3:52
        6       The Empty Threats of Little Lord                5:07
        7       Swimming                                        3:41
        8       The Men Are Called Horsemen There               7:05
        9       Q-Chord                                         1:21
        10      Shut Up I Am Dreaming of Places Where Lovers
                Have Wings                                      7:23
AK      061     THE AFFAIR              YES YES TO YOU                  CD      01.2007

        1       Unwanted Company                                3:09
        2       Honey                                           2:17
        3       Wait for It                                     3:10
        4       Dead Letters                                    3:38
        5       Swallow the Nights                              3:40
        6       Andy                                            2:53
        7       Red and White                                   3:25
        8       Anything but Disco                              3:21
        9       The Chase                                       2:00
        10      Tim's Song                                      3:26
        11      Fashion Victim                                  2:23
        12      Jailbait Date                                   2:03
        13      Left at the Party                               2:41
AK      062     FROG EYES               THE BLOODY HAND                 CD      04.2006

1       Sound Travels From the Snow to the Dark                 3:35
2       The Fox Speaks to His Wife Who Is Not Quite Sure        2:46
3       Krull Fire Wedding                                      3:28
4       The Mayor Laments the Failures of His Many Townfolk     2:40
5       Our Lordship has Devised a New Billing System           4:53
6       The House Used to Wear a Crown                          3:20
7       The Fruit That Fell From the Tree                       2:37
8       Silence But for the Gentle Tinkling of the Flowing Creek 5:20
9       Silence But for the Gentle Tinkling of the Flowing Creek 2:55
10      The Hardest Night to Sleep in the Swamplands            4:11
11      Libertatia's National Lullaby                           4:26
12      Intermission [silence]                                  0:30
13      Blue Pine : Seagulls on the Rise                        1:14
14      Blue Pine : One Considers Sailing On                    7:22
15      Blue Pine : Tyranny of Sight and Tyranny of Seeing      6:56
16      Blue Pine : Picture Framing                             3:54
17      Blue Pine : "Buttercup"                                 1:45
18      Blue Pine : Drinking: The Song                          4:07
19      Blue Pine : Body Body                                   4:21
20      Blue Pine : Lost in a Godless Sea                       2:32
21      Blue Pine : Before They Was Killed in a Car Crash       5:24
AK      063     FROG EYES               THE GOLDEN RIVER                CD      04.2006

        The Golden River
1       One in Six Children Will Flee in Boats                  4:14
2       Time Reveals Its Plan at Poisoned Falls                 1:30
3       Masticated Outbound Motors                              3:20
4       Miasma Gardens                                          4:27
5       A Latex Ice Age                                         3:37
6       Orbis Magnus                                            2:08
7       Time Destroys Its Plan at the Reactionary Table         3:04
8       Soldiers Crash Gathering in Sparrow Hills               3:02
9       World's Greatest Concertos                              2:00
10      Picture Framing the Gigantic Men Who Fought on Steam
        Boats                                                   3:43
11      The Secret Map Flees From Plurality                     0:37
12      (Intermission)                                          0:31
        Emboldened Navigator and the Seagull Dots
13      Fruit That Ate Itself                                   2:48
14      Meadows and Madames and So Forth                        2:27
15      Latex Ice Age                                           1:45
16      Picture Framing and Some Other Dark Shit                3:18
17      American Waltz for the Good Americans                   2:24
18      One in Six Children Will Flee in Boats                  4:49
19      ?                                                       3:11
20      Spencers' Song for Carey to Officially Sing             4:51
21      I Hope My Horse Don't Make No Sound                     2:20
22      A Song Once Mine Now No Longer Mine                     4:06
23      "Shots"                                                 3:03
24      Libertatia National Lullaby                             4:25
AK      064     OKAY                    HUGGABLE DUST                   CD      05.2008

        1       My                                              3:11
        2       Only                                            1:27
        3       Tragedy                                         4:20
        4       Nightmare                                       1:34
        5       Loveless                                        1:59
        6       Peaceful                                        2:00
        7       Natural                                         2:48
        8       Hot-Wired                                       1:50
        9       Simple                                          3:42
        10      Panda                                           4:00
        11      Bellashakti                                     1:42
        12      Beast                                           3:02
        13      Poof                                            1:53
        14      Truce                                           7:01
        15      Pretend                                         2:57
        16      Huggable Dust                                   3:26
        17      Already                                         5:08
        18      Asleep                                          6:30
AK      065
AK      066     BOTTOM OF THE HUDSON    Fantastic Hawk                  CD      07.2007

        1       Fantastic Hawk                                  2:47
        2       Bee Hive                                        4:20
        3       Handwriting                                     4:14
        4       Pretty Much It                                  3:24
        5       Perfect Distillation                            3:28
        6       Rusty Zippers                                   3:28
        7       Suffering Time                                  3:05
        8       Over Engineered                                 3:41
        9       Hide and Seek                                   3:44
        10      Cemetary Eyes                                   4:15
        11      Casual Moon Beam                                3:59
        12      Fantastic Return                                4:52
        13      Calculating Wire                                3:44
AK      067     CHRIS GARNEAU           Music For Tourist               CD      01.2007

        1       Castle-Time                                     3:58
        2       Relief                                          3:45
        3       Black & Blue                                    5:32
        4       Saturday                                        2:21
        5       So Far                                          4:23
        6       First Place!!!                                  4:14
        7       Hymn                                            1:40
        8       Baby's Romance                                  4:37
        9       Not Nice                                        5:31
        10      Blue Suede Shoes                                3:09
        11      We Don't Try                                    3:41
        12      Sad News                                        6:01
        13      Halloween                                       4:52
AK      068     + / -                   Let's Build A Fire              CD      10.2006

        1       Let's Build a Fire                              3:26
        2       Fadeout                                         5:11
        3       Steal the Blueprints                            3:05
        4       The Important Thing Is to Love                  4:14
        5       Thrown Into the Fire                            3:18
        6       Summer Dress 2 (Iodine)                         3:25
        7       Ignoring All the Detours                        4:58
        8       Profession                                      2:44
        9       One Day You'll Be There                         3:51
        10      This Is All (I Have Left)                       3:27
        11      Leap Year                                       5:17
        12      Time and Space                                  4:41
        13      For You                                         4:31
AK      069     GET HIM EAT HIM         Geography Cones                 CD      01.2007

        1       2 X 2                                           2:16
        2       Diminutive                                      2:52
        3       Push & Pull                                     2:33
        4       Just Go                                         3:24
        5       Exposure                                        2:52
        6       The Coronation Show                             1:59
        7       What We Do                                      3:16
        8       Leaders in Doubt                                1:39
        9       CBT                                             3:44
        10      Get Down!                                       2:59
        11      Present Tenses                                  3:21
        12      Patronage                                       2:47
        13      Murphy Bed                                      3:39
AK      070     60 WATT KID             60 WATT KID                     CD      11.2007

        1       Every Day                                       4:10
        2       Ocsicnarf Nas                                   8:25
        3       American Standard Pt. 1                         2:53
        4       Going Home                                      5:34
        5       Chem Trials                                     7:19
        6       Need a Job                                      4:00
        7       The Road                                        4:31
        8       I Got Money                                     2:33
        9       Jack Puree                                      1:15
        10      Sea Salt                                        1:51
        11      American Standard Pt. 2                         3:30
        12      Family                                          4:09
        13      Time of Mad Scientists                          3:35
        14      End of the War                                  9:10
AK      071     LIFE WITHOUT BUILDINGS  Live At The Annandale Hotel     CD      07.2007

        1       Liberty Feelup                                  5:05
        2       Let's Get Out                                   4:08
        3       PS Exclusive                                    4:47
        4       Philip                                          2:45
        5       Juno                                            5:26
        6       Love Trinity                                    4:20
        7       Young Offenders                                 3:07
        8       The Leanover                                    4:46
        9       14 Days                                         3:41
        10      Is Is & the IRS                                 4:14
        11      Sorrow                                          6:55
        12      New Town                                        7:37
AK      072     EX-BOYFRIENDS           In With                         CD      12.2007

        1       Pick Up Line                                    2:59
        2       Private D                                       3:45
        3       Situation                                       3:36
        4       The Sound of Your Music                         4:00
        5       For the Swim                                    4:03
        6       I Don't Believe It In You                       3:23
        7       Breathe Without Breaking                        4:22
        8       Astronaut                                       5:28
        9       Saving Face                                     2:41
        10      Worthy                                          2:59
        11      Play It As It Lays                              3:09
        12      Goodnight                                       4:29
AK      073     FROG EYES/HELLO, BLUE ROSES : SPLIT                     7"        .2007

        A1      Frog Eyes : Policy Merchant 2: Ah Shit Man      3:25
        A2      Frog Eyes : Stockades 2: You Are the Water...   2:41
        B1      Hello, Blue Roses       Foam Hands              2:52
        B2      Hello, Blue Roses       Wall of Death           2:30
AK      074     LITTLE TEETH            CHILD BEARING MAN               CD      09.2008

        1       Oh Drag!                                        4:07
        2       Applegate                                       3:29
        3       OHM!                                            1:36
        4       Livers & Heart Disease                          6:38
        5       Between My Ears                                 3:43
        6       Good Girls and Boys                             6:05
        7       Sideways                                        1:54
        8       White Houses                                    9:29
        9       Japanese Candy                                  2:19
        10      Terrible News                                   11:50
AK      075
AK      076     XIU XIU                 FABULOUS MUSCLES                LP.CD   07.2008

        A1      Crank Heart                                     3:19
        A2      I Luv the Valley OH!                            2:59
        A3      Bunny Gamer (b)                                 2:40
        A4      Little Panda McElroy (b)                        4:25
        A5      Support Our Troops OH! (Black Angels OH!)       4:46
        B1      Fabulous Muscles [Mama Black Widow Version]     4:10
        B2      Brian the Vampire                               2:38
        B3      Nieces Pieces [Boat Knife Version]              3:33
        B4      Clowne Town                                     3:50
        B5      Mike                                            5:13
AK      077     XIU XIU                 LA FORET                        LP        .2008

        A1      Clover
        A2      Muppet Face
        A3      Mouse Toy
        A4      Pox
        A5      Baby Captain
        A6      Saturn
        B1      Rose of Sharon
        B2      Ale
        B3      Bog People
        B4      Dangerous You Shouldn't Be Here
        B5      Yellow Raspberry
AK      078     XIU XIU                 WOMEN AS LOVERS                 2LP       .2008

LP 1    A1      I Do What I Want, When I Want                   3:12
        A2      In Lust You Can Hear the Axe Fall               3:30
        A3      F.T.W.                                          2:56
        B1      No Friend Oh!                                   3:48
        B2      Guantanamo Canto                                2:37
        B3      Under Pressure [feat. Michael Gira]             3:30
        B4      Black Keyboard                                  3:57

LP 2    C1      Master of the Bump (Kurt Stumbaugh, I Can Feel
                the Soil Falling Over My Head)                  3:55
        C2      You Are Pregnant, You Are Dead                  2:16
        C3      The Leash                                       2:15
        C4      Child at Arms                                   2:52
        D1      Puff and Bunny                                  2:51
        D2      White Nerd                                      2:45
        D3      Gayle Lynn                                      3:13
AK      079     60 WATT KID             2012                            7"      10.2009
                FOOT VILLAGE            Kim ILL
AK      080     THE GANG                ZERO HITS                       CD      06.2008

        1       Rose Island                                     3:59
        2       Fits & Shadow Fights                            2:54
        3       One Up the Sun                                  3:29
        4       Sea So                                          2:39
        5       Mann Drap                                       1:36
        6       Heaven's Happenin'                              8:47
        7       Squatters Inc.                                  3:07
        8       The Man With Your Plan                          6:15
        9       There's a Beach at the End of Penny Lane        5:47
AK      081     CHRIS GARNEAU           C-SIDES                         CDEP    11.2007

        1       Love Zombies                                    1:40
        2       Blackout                                        4:56
        3       The Runt                                        4:14
        4       It's Almost Christmas!                          2:07
        5       The Island Song                                 3:12
AK      082     SYBRIS                  INTO THE TREES                  CD        .2008

        1       The Beach...(Intro)                             0:53
        2       Oh Man!                                         3:24
        3       Safety City                                     2:12
        4       Got Nothing                                     4:33
        5       Burnout Babies                                  2:38
        6       Something About a Dark-Horse or Whatever        3:33
        7       The Mary                                        2:41
        8       Hurt Hawk                                       1:39
        9       Gin Divides Us                                  2:44
        10      Nap King                                        4:03
        11      Olde Tyme E                                     3:15
        12      Saint Veronica                                  4:29
        13      The Beach Is Where the Ocean Comes to Die       3:46
AK      083     CHRIS GARNEAU           EL RADIO                        CD        .2009

        1       The Leaving Song
        2       Dirty Night Clowns
        3       Raw and Awake
        4       Hands on the Radio
        5       No More Pirates
        6       Fireflies
        7       Home Town Girls
        8       Over and Over
        9       Cats and Kids
        10      Les lucioles en re mineur
        11      Things She Said
        12      Pirates Reprise
        13      Black Hawk Waltz
AK      084     AZEDA BOOTH             IN FLESH TONES                  CD        .2008

        1       Ran                                             4:44
        2       In Red                                          5:43
        3       First Little Briches                            4:58
        4       John Cleese                                     4:13
        5       Lobster Quadrille                               6:58
        6       East Village                                    2:19
        7       Numberguts                                      5:42
        8       Big Fists                                       4:03
        9       Well                                            2:56
        10      Kensington                                      3:47
        11      Brown Sun                                       6:02
        12      Be It                                           3:00
AK      085
AK      086
AK      087     CHET : CHELSEA SILVER, PLEASE COME HOME                 LP.CD     .2009

        1       The Night the Night                             6:58
        2       Cautious Melody                                 5:13
        3       Saint Jerome, My Baby Tames Lions               3:54
        4       The Clement                                     4:44
        5       An Abiding Love Despite Adversarial Vice        13:40
        6       Every Night a Supper Wine                       4:38
        7       Allerseelen                                     2:04
AK      088     +/-                     XS ON YOUR EYES                 LP      10.2008
AK      088     +/-                     XS ON YOUR EYES                 CD      10.2008

A.      1       Tired Eyes
        2       Snowblind
        3       Subdued
        4       The Queen of Nothing
        5       Halos
B.      6       Unsung
        7       The Hours You Keep
        8       Marina
        9       You'll Catch Your Death
        10      Xs on Your Eyes
        11      Flight Data Recorder
AK      089     LAARKS                  AN EXALTATION OF LAARKS         CD      11.2009
AK      090
AK      091
AK      092     60 WATT KID : WE COME FROM THE BRIGHT SIDE              CD      11.2009

        1       2012                                            4:17
        2       We Come From The Bright Side                    3:52
        3       I Can!                                          0:23
        4       Golden Travels                                  2:10
        5       Pressure                                        2:29
        6       Take the Pain Out of Your Chest                 6:38
        7       Waking Up on a Lost Road                        3:00
        8       Pray!                                           1:15
        9       Friends Again                                   1:36
        10      2012 Breakdown                                  2:36
        11      Emotions                                        0:41
        12      Virtual Plastic Surgery                         1:21
        13      Italian Waves                                   3:41
AK      093
AK      094
AK      095     WAX FANG                LA LA LAND                      2LP.CD  05.2010

LP 1    A1      Majestic
        A2      World War II (PT.2)
        A3      t Sea
        A4      Cannibal Summer
        B1      The Doctor Will See You Now
        B2      Can You See The Light?
        B3      Avant Guardian Angel Dust

LP 2    C1      Oh, Recklessness
        C2      Black & Endless Night Revisited
        C3      Wake Up, Sleeyhead
        D       [etched side]
AK      096     WITHERED HAND           GOOD NEWS                       CD      03.2011

        1       Providence                                      4:02
        2       Cornflake                                       3:03
        3       Love in the Time of Ecstacy                     5:01
        4       Joy                                             3:37
        5       New Dawn                                        2:41
        6       Religious Songs                                 4:36
        7       No Cigarettes                                   4:26
        8       I Am Nothing                                    3:17
        9       Hard On                                         3:21
        10       For the Maudlin                                4:59
AK      097 1   HIMALAYAN BEAR          HARD TIMES                      LP        .2011
AK      097 2   HIMALAYAN BEAR          HARD TIMES                      CD        .2011

        A1      Hard Times
        A2      The Caballo
        A3      How Could Death Contend?
        A4      Half Wit Son
        B1      Peace River
        B2      Only Dreams Let Me Hold You
        B3      Man of Fire

                V / A                   KVELLING.                       CDR       .2002

        1       Extra Glenns, The       Going To Marrakesh      2:50
        2       Eltro                   Long.Flat.Red           4:47
        3       Xiu Xiu                 Poe Poe                 3:42
        4       Pinback                 Manchuria               2:44
        5       Franklin Bruno : A Cat May Look At A Queen      3:30
        6       Court And Spark, The    Fireworks               4:43
        7       Jim Yoshii Pile-Up, The : Shark Repellent       6:05
        8       Eltro                   Niagara                 4:16
        9       Swords Project, The     The New Assassin        5:04
        10      Mountain Goats, The     Onions                  2:17
        11      Places, The             Ode To The Exhausted    5:28
        12      Optiganally Yours       Held                    4:06
        13      Franklin Bruno          Nickname Stuck          3:14
        14      Telegraph Melts         Septembrist             6:12
        15      Thingy                  Ketchup Sandwich        3:02
        16      Jukeboxer               Even Little Stunts      4:02
        17      Two Guys                Ode To Masturbation     2:08
        18      Jack Hayter : Another Girl, Another Planet      4:37
                V / A                   MITZVOTH                        CDR       .2002

        1       Jim Yoshii Pile-Up, The : Double Negative       3:55
        2       Xiu Xiu                 Jennifer Lopez          2:40
        3       Summer At Shatter Creek : My Neighbor's Having
                A Seizure                                       6:17
        4       Wrens, The : Boys You Won't Remember            4:31
        5       Two Guys                Hypocrite               2:36
        6       Eltro                   Motorboat               5:38
        7       Bottom Of The Hudson : The Chilling Sorcerer    3:52
        8       Jukeboxer : The Most Common 3 & 4 Letter Words  3:37
        9       Franklin Bruno          Love's Got A Ghetto     3:38
        10      Pinback                 Manchuria               2:43
        11      Jack Hayter             Walking                 3:10
        12      Extra Glenns, The       Going To Marrakesh      2:49
        13      Court And Spark, The    Rooster Mountain        4:48
        14      Swords Project, The     The New Assassin        5:03
        15      Optiganally Yours       Geppetto                3:23
        16      Mountain Goats, The     Baboon                  2:18
        17      Telegraph Melts         Septembrist             6:12
        18      Thingy                  Plenty                  2:35
        19      P.E.E.                  Ed Is Fifty             4:13
                V / A                   NAKHES-CORE                     CDR       .2002

        1       Eltro                   Orangina
        2       Jack Hayter             Misfortune's Big Statue
        3       Xiu Xiu                 Jennifer Lopez
        4       Pinback                 Manchuria
        5       Franklin Bruno          Love's Got a Ghetto
        6       The Jim Yoshii Pile-Up : Double Negative
        7       The Extra Lens          Baltimore
        8       The Court & Spark       Rooster Mountain
        9       The Jim Yoshii Pile-Up : Breakdown Championship
        10      Eltro                   Vera Wang
        11      The Mountain Goats      Baboon
        12      Optiganally Yours       Figaro
        13      Thingy                  Plenty
        14      Virginia Dare           Dumb As a Doll
        15      P.E.E.                  Yell If I Miss Mortis
        16      Bottom of the Hudson    Motorcaid
        17      Jukeboxer : The Most Common 3 & 4 Letter Words
        18      Two Guys                Ode to Masturbation
        19      Summer at Shatter Creek : Go to Sleep
                V / A                   MISHPOCHEH                      CDR       .2003

        1       Bottom Of The Hudson    Motorcaid               3:32
        2       Wrens, The : Everyone Choose Sides              4:42
        3       Pinback                 B                       4:53
        4       Dead Science, The       White Train             4:20
        5       Rob Crow                Some Things             2:30
        6       Summer At Shatter Creek : Thief                 2:48
        7       Jim Yoshii Pile-Up, The : Reckless Driving      4:12
        8       Two Guys                Fantasies               3:04
        9       Eltro                   On One                  3:31
        10      Goblin Cock             The Crusher             3:15
        11      Xiu Xiu                 Jennifer Lopez          2:40
        12      Extra Glenns, The       Going To Marrakesh      2:50
        13      Court And Spark, The    Fireworks               4:43
        14      Swords Project, The     The New Assassin        5:04
        15      Jack Hayter             Walking                 4:40
        16      Mountain Goats, The     Onions                  2:17
        17      Optiganally Yours       Nonpartisan             1:58
        18      Telegraph Melts         Indigo Azure Cyan       4:44
        19      Virginia Dare           Camellia                3:00
        20      Thingy                  Letterbomb              1:20
        21      Franklin Bruno          Blue's The Only Color   3:41
                V / A                   MAKHEN A TZIMMINS               CDR       .2003

        1       Eltro                   Motorboat
        2       Wrens, The              Boys, You Won’t
        3       Dead Science, The       Threnody 
        4       Jukeboxer : Excerpt Of Parenthetical Itens In A Series...
        5       Rob Crow                Over The Summer
        6       Marty Anderson          Compass
        7       Pinback                 Microtonic Wave
        8       Bottom Of The Hudson    Chilling Sorcerer
        9       Goblin Cock             The Crusher
        10      Two Guys                Ode To Masturbation
        11      Summer At Shatter Creek : My Neighbor's Having A Seizure
        12      Jim Yoshii Pile-Up, The : Double Negative
        13      Xiu Xiu                 Jennifer Lopez
        14      Extra Glenns, The       Going To Morocco
        15      Court And Spark, The    Rooster Mountain
        16      Optiganally Yours       Oar
        17      Mountain Goats, The     Baboon
        18      Thingy                  Mayday
        19      Telegraph Melts         Septembrist
        20      Franklin Bruno          Blue's The Only Color
                V / A                   NO TSURIS                       CDR       .2004

        1       Frog Eyes               Bells In The Crooked Port
        2       Pidgeon                 Strelnikov
        3       Pinback                 B
        4       Eltro                   Motorboat
        5       Court And Spark, The    Suffolk Down Upon The Night
        6       Hidden Cameras, The     Builds The Bone
        7       Jukeboxer               Missing Link
        8       Rob Crow                Some Things
        9       Dead Science, The       White Train
        10      Wrens, The              Hopeless
        11      Bottom Of The Hudson    Motorcaid
        12      Marty                   Okay
        13      Thingy                  Mayday
        14      Extra Glenns, The       Going To Marrakesh
        15      Telegraphs Melts        Septembrist
        16      Jim Yoshii Pile-Up, The : Double Negative
        17      Swords Project, The     The New Assassin
        18      Two Guys                Ode To Masturbation
        19      Virginia Dare           Secret Spy Plane
        20      Shooby Taylor           Stout-Hearted Men
                V / A                   POP, SCHMOP                     CDR       .2005

        1       Okay                    Now
        2       Jukeboxer               Missing Link
        3       Frog Eyes               The Oscillator's Hum
        4       Pidgeon                 Fiona
        5       Dead Science, The       Gamma Knife
        6       Court And Spark, The    Out On The Water
        7       Wrens, The              Faster Gun
        8       Hidden Cameras, The     Builds The Bone
        9       Dudley Corporation, The : What A Human Does
        10      Sparrow                 Show Me How To Leave
        11      Bottom Of The Hudson    Eagle Eye
        12      Optiganally Yours       Gepetto
        13      Eltro                   Fram
        14      Get Him Eat Him         Not Not Nervous
        15      Jim Yoshii Pile-Up, The : Xmas Card (Early Version)
        16      Goblin Cock             Stumped
        17      Telegraph Melts         Septemberist
        18      Pinback                 Manchuria
        19      Virginia Dare           Secret Spy Plane
        20      Extra Glenns, The       Going To Marrakesh
        21      Shooby Taylor           Over The Rainbow
                V / A                   CHOSEN                          CDR       .2005

        1       Dudley Corporation, The : Glance
        2       Sparrow                 So Far From Me
        3       Jim Yoshii Pile-Up, The : Silver Sparkler
        4       Bottom Of The Hudson    Riot Act
        5       Get Him Eat Him         Mumble Mumble
        6       Moggs                   Disco
        7       Goblin Cock             Striped Tiger Snaps
        8       Dead Science, The       Drrrty Magneto
        9       Hidden Cameras, The     In The Union Of Wine
        10      Pidgeon                 Down
        11      Frog Eyes               I Like Dot Dot Dot
        12      Court And Spark, The    Lucia
        13      Rob Crow                A Subtle Kiss
        14      Jukeboxer               Terrestrial
        15      Jack Hayter             Walking
        16      Okay                    Oh
        17      Pinback                 Microtonic Wave
        18      Wrens, The              Hopeless
        19      Mountain Goats, The     Baboon
        20      Thingy                  Mayday
        21      Shooby Taylor           Lift Every Voice And Sing
        22      Xiu Xiu                 Jennifer Lopez
        23      Eltro                   Niagara
                V / A                   VU FEAT. LOU RABINOWITZ         CDR       .2006

        1       Sunset Rubdown : Stadiums And Shrines II        3:56
        2       /+ {Plus/Minus}         Steal The Blueprints    3:04
        3       Ex-Boyfriends           Willingly               2:35
        4       Court And Spark, The    Highlife                4:56
        5       Hidden Cameras, The : Music Is My Boyfriend     3:55
        6       Frog Eyes               The Mayor Laments...    2:39
        7       Pidgeon                 Orcish Pleasure         5:03
        8       Chris Garneau           Not Nice                5:30
        9       Affair, The             Left At The Party       2:40
        10      Dead Science, The       Blood Tuning            5:09
        11      Goblin Cock             The Crusher             3:19
        12      Bottom Of The Hudson    Riot Act                4:29
        13      Okay                    Holy War                3:02
        14      Dudley Corporation, The : Glance                2:33
        15      Jim Yoshii Pile-Up, The : Silver Sparkler       3:25
        16      Wrens, The              Faster Gun              3:49
        17      Rob Crow                A Subtle Kiss           3:23
        18      Get Him Eat Him         Not Not Nervous         3:24
        19      Optiganally Yours       Geppetto                3:20
        20      Franklin Bruno          Love's Got A Ghetto     3:37
        21      Jukeboxer               Banj                    2:28
        22      Mountain Goats, The     Onions                  2:13
                V / A : JEFFREY HYMAN WAS A RAMONE                      CDR       .2006

        1       Goblin Cock             Stumped
        2       Dead Science, The : The Future, Forever (Until U Die)
        3       Ex-Boyfriends           Him For Me
        4       Hidden Cameras, The     In The Union Of Wine
        5       Sunset Rubdown          They Took A Vote And Said No
        6       Court And Spark, The    Your Mother Was The Lightning
        7       Frog Eyes               One In Six Children...
        8       Get Him Eat Him         Bad Thoughts
        9       Moggs                   Interglacial Marriages
        10      Jim Yoshii Pile-Up, The : A Toast To The Happy Couple
        11      Bottom Of The Hudson    Holiday Machine
        12      Okay                    Now
        13      Dudley Corporation, The : Glance
        14      Wrens, The              Happy
        15      Pidgeon                 Goner
        16      Sparrow                 This Is How It's Done
        17      Jukeboxer               Missing Link
        18      Optiganally Yours       Geppetto
        19      Extra Glenns, The       Going To Marrakesh
        20      Thingy                  O.B.1
        21      Shooby Taylor           Left Every Voice And Sing
        22      Eltro                   Vera Wang
        23      Rob Crow                Kill All The Humans
                V / A : KNIGHTS IN SHABBAT SERVICE (AN AK SAMPLER)      CDR       .2007

        1       Bottom Of The Hudson    Hide And Seek
        2       Get Him Eat Him         Push & Pull
        3       Life Without Buildings  The Leanover
        4       Frog Eyes               Stockades
        5       Chris Garneau           Relief
        6       Affair, The             Dead Letters
        7       Ex-Boyfriends           Situation
        8       60 Watt Kid             Every Day
        9       Pidgeon : Kafka Does His Shopping From Home
        10      Dudley Corporation, The : Last Day On Earth
        11      Okay                    Beast
        12      +/- (Plus / Minus)      Steal The Blueprints
        13      Sunset Rubdown          Stadiums And Shrines II
        14      Dead Science, The       Gamma Knife
        15      Wrens, The : Bouys, You Won't (Acoustic Live On KEXP)
        16      Court And Spark, The    Out On The Water
        17      Jim Yoshii Pile-Up, The : Monotonologue
        18      Swords Project          The New Assassin
        19      Goblin Cock             Kegrah The Dragon Killer
        20      Virginia Dare           Baby Got Away
        21      Franklin Bruno          Callous
                V / A                   GREAT                           CDR       .2008

        1       Okay                    Only                    1:28
        2       Centro-Matic            I, The Kite             3:07
        3       Sybris                  Oh Man!                 3:26
        4       Gang, The               Sea So                  2:42
        5       Mobius Band             A Hint Of Blood         3:39
        6       Azeda Booth             Ran                     4:44
        7       Low Lows, The           Sparrows                4:42
        8       60 Watt Kid             Got A Nice Car          2:35
        9       Hallelujah The Hills:Effie's On The Other Side  3:01
        10      Southeast Engine        We Have You Surrounded  2:08
        11      Pidgeon                 California              3:37
        12      Little Teeth            Japanese Candy          2:22
        13      Chet                    By Night Into Paradise  4:13
        14      Ex-Boyfriends           Situation               3:39
        15      Dudley Corporation, The : Holy Wars             2:10
        16      Sleeping States         Planning My Escape      2:04
        17      Life Without Buildings : Young Offenders        2:53
        18      Chris Garneau           Love Zombies            1:43
        19      Destroyer               The Very Modern Dance   2:42
        20      Great Lake Swimmers     Bodies And Minds        3:51
        21      Wrens, The              Everyone Choose Sides   4:47
        22      Palomar                 Our Haunt               3:17
        23      Get Him Eat Him         Exposure                2:54
        24      Summer Hymns            Start Swimming          4:32
                V / A                   I USED TO BE GOTH               CDR       .2010

        1       60 Watt Kid : Take The Pain Out Of Your Chest   6:39
        2       Wax Fang                World War II (Pt.2)     4:13
        3       Laarks                  Look Out!               3:34
        4       Chet : Every Night A Supper WIne                4:39
        5       Chris Garneau           Fireflies               3:08
        6       Buttonhead              Coetivy Island          3:52
        7       Azeda Booth             Big Fists               4:01
        8       Rollercoaster Project, The : Revenge            4:48
        9       Eltro : Storm Cloud Of The Century              7:42
        10      Okay                    Tragedy                 4:20
        11      Bottom Of The Hudson    Chilling Sorcerer       3:50
        12      Get Him Eat Him         Mumble Mumble           2:26
        13      Wrens, The              Per Second Second       3:38
        14      Sybris                  Gin Divides Us          2:44
        15      Goblin Cock             Stumped                 2:35
        16      Telegraph Melts         Indigo Azure Cyan       4:42
        17      Dead Science, The       Dirty Magneto           4:09
        18      Life Without Buildings : Young Offenders        2:51
        19      Extra Glenns, The       Going To Marrakesh      2:50
                V / A : ZIMMERMAN & THE BAND (AN AK SAMPLER)            CDR           ?

        1       Frog Eyes               Bushels
        2       Affair, The             Andy
        3       Chris Garneau           Babys Romance
        4       +/- (Plus / Minus)      Fadeout
        5       Get Him Eat Him         2x2
        6       Bottom Of The Hudson    Bee Hive
        7       Pidgeon                 California Is 4 Fuckers
        8       Dudley Corporation, The : Step-Out
        9       Okay                    Beast
        10      Dead Science, The       The Future, Forever
        11      Pinback                 Manchuria
        12      Ex-Boyfriends, The      Relationship
        13      Wrens, The              Everyone Choose Sides
        14      Court And Spark, The    Your Mother Was The Lightning
        15      Extra Glenns, The       Going To Marrakesh
        16      Goblin Cock             Stumped
        17      Jukeboxer               Missing Link
        18      Thingy                  Ballpoint Pen
        19      Eltro                   Niagra
        20      Sunset Rubdown          They Took A Vote And Said No